

7, rue Augustin Fresnel, Z.I. No 1, 37170 Chambray les Tours, France

Notre service est ouvert du Lundi au Vendredi de 8H00 à 20H00.
Pour toute demande urgente hors de ces créneaux horaires nous vous prions de bien vouloir contacter notre centre d’appel au N° indiqué ci-après.


A propos de LINET

LINET Group SE is a leading global provider of innovative, high qualitaty bed and furniture solutions for hospitals, retirement homes and residential care establishments.

LINET Rentals is the effort of the company to offer our customers a rental service that keeps the same standards of quality of the products.

With LINET Rentals our customers benefit from attention 24/7: you may have at any time the right equipment for your needs for the time necessary. Linet is the suitable partner for you to meet the needs for extra equipment.

In LINET Group SE we take infection control seriously so our decontamination centres have facilities that meet the highest industry standards and innovative techniques to ensure proper disinfection of all components of our products.

Therefore, LINET Group SE is definitely a suitable partner to optimise your resources and maximise quality of care for your patients, comfort on both sides.

Comment ?

To access the LINET rentals, please contact our customer services team who will be happy to discuss your needs.